Youth and Militarism Conference: Canada

Youth in Canada - particularly young people of faith - are increasingly concerned about militarism in our society; and how this affects them.
These concerns include (but are not limited to)
• the causes of war (including inequality),
• the militarization of entertainment,
• the intersection with gender,
• national identity,
• technological influence,
• infiltration into our educational institutions, and
• a lack of effective empowerment for youth who are
called to be peacemakers.
Ideas for workshops, speakers and other content are welcome!
There will be opportunities to learn about these concerns, gather wisdom from one another, decide about any future activities that could be undertaken, and build a common voice to create change.
The conference is being organized by Quaker Youth, in conjunction with the Education and Outreach committee of Canadian Quakers. We want to invite widely, and hope that youth from many walks of life and different faith traditions will attend, and share their wisdom and experiences with us.
More info: